Wer kennt sich mit WebCalendar v0.9.44 aus ??

  • #1


Bekanntes Mitglied
Dabei seit
habe folgendes Problem:
Ich habe ein Update vom WebCalendar v.0.9.42 auf v0.9.44 gemacht.
Anbieter: http://www.k5n.us/webcalendar.php
Alles bis auf eine Kleinigkeit funktioniert.

Das Problem ist, dass nach dem Login die Loginseite wieder kommt.

Auf der Supportseite finde ich leider nichts brauchbares darüber. Mein Englisch reicht da auch schon nicht mehr aus.

Kann mir evtl. jemand von euch weiterhelfen??

  • #2
  • #3
Al schrieb:
Kann es sein das du Cockies blockierst?

Hallo Al Bundy,
nein, ich blockiere die Cockies nicht.

  • #4
Naja, war nur so eine Idee. Besteht das prob nur bei dir oder auch bei anderen Nutzern?
  • #5
Das prob besteht bei allen Nutzern.

Hier mal ein Auszug für die Einstellungen aus der config.php

You currently have choices:

1. Web-based authentication (login/passwords verified in the WebCalendar database):
$use_http_auth = false;
$user_inc = user.php;

2. HTTP-based authentication (login/passwords verified by the web server):
$use_http_auth = true;
$user_inc = user.php;
... and don't forget to setup your web server to handle user authentication.
Note: In order to use HTTP-based authentication, PHP must be setup as a module for your server rather than a CGI.

Wenn ich die Variante 2 wähle, läuft alles einwandfrei.

Ich benötige aber die Möglichkeit 1.

Bei der Variante 2 werden auch die Benutzer bzw. das Password aus der Datenbank geholt. Aber wo ist das Problem bei der Loginseite ??

  • #6
Hmm, schwierig. Die chmod rechte bestimmter Dateien oder Ordner hast du beim Updaten nicht zufällig verändert?
Naja, dann dürfte das (theoretisch) bei Methode 2 ja auch nicht funktionieren.

Hab momentan keine weiteren Ideen. Mal abwarten was die anderen dazu sagen.
  • #7
Wie sehen denn die Register Globals aus? Sind die on oder off?
  • #8
Gandalf_the_Grey schrieb:
Wie sehen denn die Register Globals aus? Sind die on oder off?

Hä, wo finde ich die denn????
  • #9
safer schrieb:
Gandalf_the_Grey schrieb:
Wie sehen denn die Register Globals aus? Sind die on oder off?

Hä, wo finde ich die denn????

Habs gefunden, die Globals sind on!

Man(n) sollte vorher etwas nachdenken und dann fragen wo die globals zu finden sind ;)
  • #10
Hmm wundert mich eigentlich. Denn a) ist das super unsafe und b) liegt es somit wohl auch nicht an der Übergabe von Formulardaten. Kannst du mal die komplette config.php posten und eventuell die user.php ?!
  • #11
Hier mal die CONFIG.PHP:

// Site-specific settings.
// Configure these for your site.
// You shouldn't have to modify any files outside of this one.
// When you're done here, try accessing WebCalendar as an admin
// user and go to the System Settings page (admin.php) to change system
// settings.
// Note: if you enable LDAP support, you will also need to modify
// user-ldap.php.

$PROGRAM_NAME = WebCalendar v0.9.44 (02 Aug 2004);

// MySQL example
$db_type = mysql;
$db_host = [url]www.xxxxxxxxxxx.de;[/url]
$db_login = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
$db_password = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
$db_database = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
$db_persistent = 1;

// Oracle example
//$db_type = oracle;
// Note: may not need to define db_host at all on some systems (use ).
// If you get an error logging into Oracle, try leaving this blank.
//$db_host = ; // use localhost.
//$db_login = webcalendar;
//$db_password = webcal01;
// for oracle, db_database should be the name in tnsnames.ora
//$db_database = orcl;

// Postgres example
//$db_type = postgresql;
//$db_host = localhost;
//$db_login = webcalendar;
//$db_password = webcalendar;
//$db_database = webcalendar;
//$db_persistent = 0;

// ODBC example
//$db_type = odbc;
//$db_host = ; // not used for odbc
//$db_login = webcalendar;
//$db_password = webcal01;
// for oracle, db_database should be the name in tnsnames.ora
//$db_database = webcalendar; // this is the ODBC DSN
//$db_persistent = 1;

// Interbase example
//$db_type = ibase;
//$db_host = localhost:/opt/webcal/WEBCAL.gdb;
//$db_login = sysdba;
//$db_password = masterkey;
//$db_database = WEBCAL.gdb;
//$db_persistent = 0;

// Read-only mode: You can set this to true to create a read-only calendar.
// If you enable $single_user_login (below), no login will be required,
// making this a publicly viewable calendar.  In order to add events to
// a setup like this, you will need to setup another installation of this
// application that is not read-only.
// If $readonly is enabled in multi-user mode, only admin users will able
// to add/edit/delete events.
// NOTE: Approvals are not disabled in read-only.  You must also disable
// approvals if you don't want to use them.
// NOTE #2: Using $readonly has mostly been superceded by the new public
// access calendar (added in version 0.9.35).  The new system allows
// a public access calendar with no login or a regular calendar with
// a valid login.  This is configured in the admin web interface.
// If you want to use the new system (recommended), leave this $readonly
// setting set to N.
$readonly = N;

// Are you setting this up as a multi-user system?
// You can always start as a single-user system and change to multi-user
// later.  To enable single-user mode, uncomment out the following line
// and set it to a login name (that you would use if you ever switched to
// multi-user).  In single-user mode, you will not be prompted for a login,
// nor will you be asked to select participants for events.
// NOTE: If you select single-user and then upgrade to multi-user later,
// you'll have to add in the login name you've set below to the cal_user
// table.  Set $single_user to either true or false.  If true, make sure
// $single_user_login is defined.
$single_user = N;
//$single_user_login = cknudsen;

// Do you want to use web-based login or use HTTP authorization?
// NOTE: You can only use HTTP authorization if PHP is built as
// an Apache module.
// NOTE #2: There's no need to use this if you're running single
// user mode.
// Set the following to true to use http-based authorization.
// web-based login.)
// If you want to setup a public calendar with HTTP-based authentication,
// see FAQ for instructions.
$use_http_auth = true;

// Which user schema to use.  Currently, you can use the default webcal_user
// table, LDAP or NIS.  These files are found in the includes directory.
// Pick just one of the following:

// webcal_user table: default
$user_inc = user.php;
// LDAP: if you select this, you must also configure some variables
// in includes/user-ldap.php such as your LDAP server...
//$user_inc = user-ldap.php;
// NIS: if you select this, you must also configure some variables
// in includes/user-nis.php
//$user_inc = user-nis.php;

// We can add extra->nonuser' calendars such as a corporate calendar,
// holiday calendar, departmental calendar, etc.  We need a unique prefix
// for these calendars as not to get mixed up with real logins.  This prefix
// should be a Maximum of 5 characters and should NOT change once set!

// Language options  The first is the name presented to users while
// the second is the filename (without the .txt) that must exist
// in the translations subdirectory.
$languages = array (
  Browser-defined =>none,
  English =>English-US,
  Basque => Basque,
  Bulgarian => Bulgarian,
  Catalan => Catalan,
  Chinese (Traditonal/Big5) => Chinese-Big5,
  Chinese (Simplified/GB2312) => Chinese-GB2312,
  Czech => Czech,
  Danish => Danish,
  Dutch =>Dutch,
  Estonian => Estonian,
  Finnish =>Finnish,
  French =>French,
  Galician => Galician,
  German =>German,
  Holo (Taiwanese) => Holo-Big5,
  Hungarian =>Hungarian,
  Icelandic => Icelandic,
  Italian => Italian,
  Japanese => Japanese,
  Korean =>Korean,
  Norwegian => Norwegian,
  Polish => Polish,
  Portuguese =>Portuguese,
  Portuguese/Brazil => Portuguese_BR,
  Russian => Russian,
  Spanish =>Spanish,
  Swedish =>Swedish,
  Turkish =>Turkish
  // add new languages here!  (don't forget to add a comma at the end of
  // last line above.)

// If the user sets Browser-defined as their language setting, then
// use the $HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE settings to determine the language.
// The array below translates browser language abbreviations into
// our available language files.
// NOTE: These should all be lowercase on the left side even though
// the proper listing is like en-US!
// Not sure what the abbreviation is?  Check out the following URL:
// [url]http://www.geocities.com/click2speak/languages.html[/url]
$browser_languages = array (
  eu => Basque,
  bg => Bulgarian,
  ca => Catalan,
  zh => Chinese-GB2312,    // Simplified Chinese
  zh-cn => Chinese-GB2312,
  zh-tw => Chinese-Big5,   // Traditional Chinese
  cs => Czech,
  en => English-US,
  en-us => English-US,
  en-gb => English-US,
  da => Danish,
  nl =>Dutch,
  ee => Estonian,
  fi =>Finnish,
  fr =>French,
  fr-ch =>French, // French/Swiss
  fr-ca =>French, // French/Canada
  gl => Galician,
  de =>German,
  de-at =>German, // German/Austria
  de-ch =>German, // German/Switzerland
  de-de =>German, // German/German
  hu => Hungarian,
  zh-min-nan-tw => Holo-Big5,
  is => Icelandic,
  it => Italian,
  it-ch => Italian, // Italian/Switzerland
  ja => Japanese,
  ko =>Korean,
  no => Norwegian,
  pl => Polish,
  pt =>Portuguese,
  pt-br => Portuguese_BR, // Portuguese/Brazil
  ru =>Russian,
  es =>Spanish,
  sv =>Swedish,
  tr =>Turkish,
  cy => Welsh

// The following comments will be picked up by update_translation.pl so
// translators will be aware that they also need to translate language names.
// translate(English)
// translate(Basque)
// translate(Bulgarian)
// translate(Catalan)
// translate(Chinese (Traditonal/Big5))
// translate(Chinese (Simplified/GB2312))
// translate(Czech)
// translate(Danish)
// translate(Dutch)
// translate(Estonian)
// translate(Finnish)
// translate(French)
// translate(Galician)
// translate(German)
// translate(Holo (Taiwanese))
// translate(Hungarian)
// translate(Icelandic)
// translate(Italian)
// translate(Japanese)
// translate(Korean)
// translate(Norwegian)
// translate(Polish)
// translate(Portuguese)
// translate(Portuguese/Brazil)
// translate(Russian)
// translate(Spanish)
// translate(Swedish)
// translate(Turkish)

if ( $single_user != Y )
  $single_user_login = ;

// Make sure magic quotes is enabled, since this app requires it.
if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc () == 0 ) {
  ob_start ();
  phpinfo ();
  $val = ob_get_contents ();
  ob_end_clean ();
  echo <html>\n<title>Error</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n .
    Error: you must reconfigure your <tt>php.ini</tt> file to  .
    have <span style=\font-weight:bold;\>magic_quotes_gpc</span> set to <span style=\font-weight:bold;\>ON</span>.<br /><br />\n;
  if ( preg_match ( />([^<>]*php.ini)</, $val, $matches ) ) {
    echo Please edit the following file and restart your server:<br /><br />\n .
      <blockquote>\n<tt> . $matches[1] . </tt>\n</blockquote>\n;
  echo </body>\n</html>\n;

  • #12
Und hier die User.php:

// This file contains all the functions for getting information
// about users.  So, if you want to use an authentication scheme
// other than the webcal_user table, you can just create a new
// version of each function found below.
// Note: this application assumes that usernames (logins) are unique.
// Note #2: If you are using HTTP-based authentication, then you still
// need these functions and you will still need to add users to
// webcal_user.

// Set some global config variables about your system.
$user_can_update_password = true;
$admin_can_add_user = true;
$admin_can_delete_user = true;

// Check to see if a given login/password is valid.  If invalid,
// the error message will be placed in $login_error.
// params:
//   $login - user login
//   $password - user password
// returns: true or false
function user_valid_login ( $login, $password ) {
  global $error;
  $ret = false;

  $login_error = ;

  $sql = SELECT cal_login FROM webcal_user WHERE  .
    cal_login =-> . $login .-> AND cal_passwd =-> . md5($password) .->;
  $res = dbi_query ( $sql );
  if ( $res ) {
    $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res );
    if ( $row && $row[0] !=  ) {
      // MySQL seems to do case insensitive matching, so double-check
      // the login.
      if ( $row[0] == $login )
        $ret = true; // found login/password
        $error = translate (Invalid login);
    } else {
      $error = translate (Invalid login);
    dbi_free_result ( $res );
  } else {
    $error = translate(Database error) . :  . dbi_error();

  return $ret;

// Check to see if a given login/crypted password is valid.  If invalid,
// the error message will be placed in $login_error.
// params:
//   $login - user login
//   $crypt_password - crypted user password
// returns: true or false
function user_valid_crypt ( $login, $crypt_password ) {
  global $error;
  $ret = false;

  $login_error = ;
  $salt = substr($crypt_password, 0, 2);

  $sql = SELECT cal_login, cal_passwd FROM webcal_user WHERE  .
    cal_login =-> . $login .->;
  $res = dbi_query ( $sql );
  if ( $res ) {
    $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res );
    if ( $row && $row[0] !=  ) {
      // MySQL seems to do case insensitive matching, so double-check
      // the login.
      // also check if password matches
      if ( ($row[0] == $login) && (crypt($row[1], $salt) == $crypt_password) )
        $ret = true; // found login/password
        //$error = translate (Invalid login);
        $error = Invalid login;
    } else {
      //$error = translate (Invalid login);
      $error = Invalid login;
    dbi_free_result ( $res );
  } else {
    //$error = translate(Database error) . :  . dbi_error();
    $error = Database error :  . dbi_error();

  return $ret;

// Load info about a user (first name, last name, admin) and set
// globally.
// params:
//   $user - user login
//   $prefix - variable prefix to use
function user_load_variables ( $login, $prefix ) {

  if ($NONUSER_PREFIX && substr($login, 0, strlen($NONUSER_PREFIX) ) == $NONUSER_PREFIX) {
    nonuser_load_variables ( $login, $prefix );
    return true;
  if ( $login == __public__ ) {
    $GLOBALS[$prefix . login] = $login;
    $GLOBALS[$prefix . firstname] = ;
    $GLOBALS[$prefix . lastname] = ;
    $GLOBALS[$prefix . is_admin] = N;
    $GLOBALS[$prefix . email] = ;
    $GLOBALS[$prefix . fullname] = $PUBLIC_ACCESS_FULLNAME;
    $GLOBALS[$prefix . password] = ;
    return true;
  $sql =
    SELECT cal_firstname, cal_lastname, cal_is_admin, cal_email, cal_passwd  .
    FROM webcal_user WHERE cal_login =-> . $login .->;
  $res = dbi_query ( $sql );
  if ( $res ) {
    if ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) {
      $GLOBALS[$prefix . login] = $login;
      $GLOBALS[$prefix . firstname] = $row[0];
      $GLOBALS[$prefix . lastname] = $row[1];
      $GLOBALS[$prefix . is_admin] = $row[2];
      $GLOBALS[$prefix . email] = empty ( $row[3] ) ?  : $row[3];
      if ( strlen ( $row[0] ) && strlen ( $row[1] ) )
        $GLOBALS[$prefix . fullname] = $row[0] $row[1];
        $GLOBALS[$prefix . fullname] = $login;
      $GLOBALS[$prefix . password] = $row[4];
    dbi_free_result ( $res );
  } else {
    $error = translate (Database error) . :  . dbi_error ();
    return false;
  return true;

// Add a new user.
// params:
//   $user - user login
//   $password - user password
//   $firstname - first name
//   $lastname - last name
//   $email - email address
//   $admin - is admin? (Y or N)
function user_add_user ( $user, $password, $firstname, $lastname, $email,
  $admin ) {
  global $error;

  if ( $user == __public__ ) {
    $error = translate (Invalid user login);
    return false;

  if ( strlen ( $email ) )
    $uemail =-> . $email .->;
    $uemail = NULL;
  if ( strlen ( $firstname ) )
    $ufirstname =-> . $firstname .->;
    $ufirstname = NULL;
  if ( strlen ( $lastname ) )
    $ulastname =-> . $lastname .->;
    $ulastname = NULL;
  if ( strlen ( $password ) )
    $upassword =-> . md5($password) .->;
    $upassword = NULL;
  if ( $admin != Y )
    $admin = N;
  $sql = INSERT INTO webcal_user  .
    ( cal_login, cal_lastname, cal_firstname,  .
    cal_is_admin, cal_passwd, cal_email )  .
    VALUES (->$user', $ulastname, $ufirstname,  .
   ->$admin', $upassword, $uemail );
  if ( ! dbi_query ( $sql ) ) {
    $error = translate (Database error) . :  . dbi_error ();
    return false;
  return true;

// Update a user
// params:
//   $user - user login
//   $firstname - first name
//   $lastname - last name
//   $email - email address
//   $admin - is admin?
function user_update_user ( $user, $firstname, $lastname, $email, $admin ) {
  global $error;

  if ( $user == __public__ ) {
    $error = translate (Invalid user login);
    return false;
  if ( strlen ( $email ) )
    $uemail =-> . $email .->;
    $uemail = NULL;
  if ( strlen ( $firstname ) )
    $ufirstname =-> . $firstname .->;
    $ufirstname = NULL;
  if ( strlen ( $lastname ) )
    $ulastname =-> . $lastname .->;
    $ulastname = NULL;
  if ( $admin != Y )
    $admin = N;

  $sql = UPDATE webcal_user SET cal_lastname = $ulastname,  .
    cal_firstname = $ufirstname, cal_email = $uemail, .
    cal_is_admin =->$admin' WHERE cal_login =->$user';
  if ( ! dbi_query ( $sql ) ) {
    $error = translate (Database error) . :  . dbi_error ();
    return false;
  return true;

// Update user password
// params:
//   $user - user login
//   $password - last name
function user_update_user_password ( $user, $password ) {
  global $error;

  $sql = UPDATE webcal_user SET cal_passwd =->.md5($password).'  .
    WHERE cal_login =->$user';
  if ( ! dbi_query ( $sql ) ) {
    $error = translate (Database error) . :  . dbi_error ();
    return false;
  return true;

// Delete a user from the system.
// We assume that we've already checked to make sure this user doesn't
// have events still in the database.
// params:
//   $user - user to delete
function user_delete_user ( $user ) {

  // Get event ids for all events this user is a participant
  $events = array ();
  $res = dbi_query ( SELECT webcal_entry.cal_id  .
    FROM webcal_entry, webcal_entry_user  .
    WHERE webcal_entry.cal_id = webcal_entry_user.cal_id  .
    AND webcal_entry_user.cal_login =->$user' );
  if ( $res ) {
    while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) {
      $events[] = $row[0];

  // Now count number of participants in each event...
  // If just 1, then save id to be deleted
  $delete_em = array ();
  for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $events ); $i++ ) {
    $res = dbi_query ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM webcal_entry_user  .
      WHERE cal_id =  . $events[$i] );
    if ( $res ) {
      if ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) {
        if ( $row[0] == 1 )
     $delete_em[] = $events[$i];
      dbi_free_result ( $res );
  // Now delete events that were just for this user
  for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $delete_em ); $i++ ) {
    dbi_query ( DELETE FROM webcal_entry WHERE cal_id =  . $delete_em[$i] );

  // Delete user participation from events
  dbi_query ( DELETE FROM webcal_entry_user WHERE cal_login =->$user' );

  // Delete preferences
  dbi_query ( DELETE FROM webcal_user_pref WHERE cal_login =->$user' );

  // Delete from groups
  dbi_query ( DELETE FROM webcal_group_user WHERE cal_login =->$user' );

  // Delete bosses & assistants
  dbi_query ( DELETE FROM webcal_asst WHERE cal_boss =->$user' );
  dbi_query ( DELETE FROM webcal_asst WHERE cal_assistant =->$user' );

  // Delete user's views
  $delete_em = array ();
  $res = dbi_query ( SELECT cal_view_id FROM webcal_view  .
    WHERE cal_owner =->$user' );
  if ( $res ) {
    while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) {
      $delete_em[] = $row[0];
    dbi_free_result ( $res );
  for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $delete_em ); $i++ ) {
    dbi_query ( DELETE FROM webcal_view_user WHERE cal_view_id =  .
      $delete_em[$i] );
  dbi_query ( DELETE FROM webcal_view WHERE cal_owner =->$user' );

  // Delete layers
  dbi_query ( DELETE FROM webcal_user_layers WHERE cal_login =->$user' );

  // Delete any layers other users may have that point to this user.
  dbi_query ( DELETE FROM webcal_user_layers WHERE cal_layeruser =->$user' );

  // Delete user
  dbi_query ( DELETE FROM webcal_user WHERE cal_login =->$user' );

// Get a list of users and return info in an array.
function user_get_users () {
  global $public_access, $PUBLIC_ACCESS_FULLNAME;

  $count = 0;
  $ret = array ();
  if ( $public_access == Y )
    $ret[$count++] = array (
       cal_login => __public__,
       cal_lastname => ,
       cal_firstname => ,
       cal_is_admin => N,
       cal_email => ,
       cal_password => ,
       cal_fullname => $PUBLIC_ACCESS_FULLNAME );
  $res = dbi_query ( SELECT cal_login, cal_lastname, cal_firstname,  .
    cal_is_admin, cal_email, cal_passwd FROM webcal_user  .
    ORDER BY cal_lastname, cal_firstname, cal_login );
  if ( $res ) {
    while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) {
      if ( strlen ( $row[1] ) && strlen ( $row[2] ) )
        $fullname = $row[2] $row[1];
        $fullname = $row[0];
      $ret[$count++] = array (
        cal_login => $row[0],
        cal_lastname => $row[1],
        cal_firstname => $row[2],
        cal_is_admin => $row[3],
        cal_email => empty ( $row[4] ) ?  : $row[4],
        cal_password => $row[5],
        cal_fullname => $fullname
    dbi_free_result ( $res );
  return $ret;

  • #13
AAARRRGGGHHHH, wärst du bitte so freundlich die [ CODE ] Tags zu benutzen? Dazu sind sie nämlich da! Bitte editier doch mal deinen Beitrag und füge den Code bitte nochmal NEU in die [ CODE ] Tags ein. (Die Tags findest zu in der dritten Zeile als dritten Button von rechts wenn du einen Beitrag verfasst.)
  • #14
Tschuldigung, :-[

habs geändert. ;)
  • #15
safer schrieb:
Tschuldigung, :-[

habs geändert. ;)

So und nun zu deinem Problem. Ich würde mal sagen

Wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil ;)

schau mal was hier steht:

// Do you want to use web-based login or use HTTP authorization?
// NOTE: You can only use HTTP authorization if PHP is built as
// an Apache module.
// NOTE #2: There's no need to use this if you're running single
// user mode.
// Set the following to true to use http-based authorization.
// web-based login.)
// If you want to setup a public calendar with HTTP-based authentication,
// see FAQ for instructions.
$use_http_auth = true;


You can only use HTTP authorization if PHP is built as
// an Apache module.

Da nach folgenden Aussage von dir das ganze funktioniert

You currently have choices:

1. Web-based authentication (login/passwords verified in the WebCalendar database):
$use_http_auth = false;
$user_inc = user.php;

2. HTTP-based authentication (login/passwords verified by the web server):
$use_http_auth = true;
$user_inc = user.php;
... and don't forget to setup your web server to handle user authentication.
Note: In order to use HTTP-based authentication, PHP must be setup as a module for your server rather than a CGI.

Wenn ich die Variante 2 wähle, läuft alles einwandfrei.

Ich benötige aber die Möglichkeit 1.

Bei der Variante 2 werden auch die Benutzer bzw. das Password aus der Datenbank geholt. Aber wo ist das Problem bei der Loginseite ??

Würde ich mal behaupten das PHP als CGI eingerichtet ist und nicht als Apache Modul. Das müsstest du in diesem Fall in der Apache konfiguration ändern. (Vorausgesetzt du darfst das)
  • #16
Gandalf_the_Grey schrieb:
Würde ich mal behaupten das PHP als CGI eingerichtet ist und nicht als Apache Modul. Das müsstest du in diesem Fall in der Apache konfiguration ändern. (Vorausgesetzt du darfst das)

Sorry, aber ich bin noch ein Neuling in Sachen PHP.

Wo genau kann ich das bei der Abfrage von der PHP Version ( phpinfo() )rausbekommen!
Bei welchem Eintrag müßte das stehen?

Danke und gruß
  • #17
safer schrieb:
Gandalf_the_Grey schrieb:
Würde ich mal behaupten das PHP als CGI eingerichtet ist und nicht als Apache Modul. Das müsstest du in diesem Fall in der Apache konfiguration ändern. (Vorausgesetzt du darfst das)

Sorry, aber ich bin noch ein Neuling in Sachen PHP.

Wo genau kann ich das bei der Abfrage von der PHP Version ( phpinfo() )rausbekommen!
Bei welchem Eintrag müßte das stehen?

Danke und gruß

Würde mal spontan sagen du erkennst ob Apache als Modul läuft wenn unter Loaded Modules in der phpinfo() z.B der Eintrag mod_php4 zu finden ist. Ist der dort nicht zu finden ist es sehr sicher das PHP als CGI geladen ist.
  • #18
Gandalf_the_Grey schrieb:
Würde mal spontan sagen du erkennst ob Apache als Modul läuft wenn unter Loaded Modules in der phpinfo() z.B der Eintrag mod_php4 zu finden ist. Ist der dort nicht zu finden ist es sehr sicher das PHP als CGI geladen ist.

Dort steht unter Loaded Modules:
mod_ssl, mod_perl, mod_jserv, mod_auth_pam, mod_php3, mod_php4, mod_setenvif, mod_so, mod_usertrack, mod_headers, mod_expires, mod_digest, mod_auth_anon, mod_auth, mod_access, mod_rewrite, mod_alias, mod_userdir, mod_speling, mod_actions, mod_imap, mod_asis, mod_cgi, mod_dir, mod_autoindex, mod_include, mod_info, mod_status, mod_negotiation, mod_mime, mod_mime_magic, mod_log_referer, mod_log_agent, mod_log_config, mod_env, mod_vhost_alias, http_core
  • #19
Hmm dann würde ich sagen ist das entweder kein sicheres Merkmal oder PHP läuft tatsächlich als Apache Modul, aber ich bezweifle es stark. Kann dir allerdings an der Stelle nicht weiterhelfen da ich aus dem Stehgreif absolut nicht weiß woran man erkennen könnte als was PHP gerade läuft. *grübel*
  • #20
aber trotzdem erstmal herzlichen dank für deine bemühungen.

Vielleicht hat ja jemand anderes noch ein paar tips.


Wer kennt sich mit WebCalendar v0.9.44 aus ??


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