vcl100.bpl - C++ mit Borland

  • #1


Ich bin dabei ein C++-Programm mit dem Borland C++ Builder (Version 2006) zu bauen und habe jetzt folgendes Problem:
Wenn ich die .exe-Datei auf einem anderen Rechner als dem wo ichs geschrieben hab (und wo Borland installiert ist) meldet er mir die Datei vcl100.bpl würde fehlen.
Ich hab mir die Datei mal angeschaut, is was von Borland und liegt im System32-Ordner rum.
Gibts irgendwie sowas wie ne Runtime-Enviroment von Borland oder kann ich irgendwie auf diese Datei verzichten?
  • #3
Danke, aber da müsste ich mich irgendwie registrieren und des sieht ein bischen kostenpflichtig aus.

Aber ich hab ne Notlösung gefunden, hab einfach alle Dateien die er noch haben will mit auf den anderen Rechner kopiert...
  • #4
Hmm ... nicht auf den Button klicken, sondern einfach runter scrollen. Deswegen auch der Umweg über Google. Hier ist der Thread:

Comment from Jase-Coder
Date: 03/21/2006 05:47AM PST

cant remember off the top of my head but you do something litke:  project properties >> compiler >> untick runtime packages.
I willl check when I get home. The extact path of the compiler property

Comment from kode99
Date: 03/21/2006 05:50AM PST

Pretty much the same as in prior versions,  just rearranged a bit on the interface,

So go to project options,  down to packages and unclick the->Build with runtime packages' option.  This will build the package code into your exe.

Second under Linker,  go to the Linking section and uncheck->Use dynamic RTL'.  This builds in the core borland stuff.

Your exe files will be much larger but self contained.

Comment from Eimund
Date: 03/23/2006 06:28AM PST
Author Comment 

Hey, thanks for your answers, but it didn't work!

The exe file become larger when I unchecked the Use dynamic RTL.

Under package options the Design time and runtime package was checked. There were three options and I had to select one of them. The other two was Design time only package, witch I tryed, and Runtime only package.

The error I get when I run it on another computer is that it can't find vcl100.bpl.


Accepted Answer from kode99
Date: 03/23/2006 07:20AM PST
Grade: A
Accepted Answer 

Wrong spot look farther down the main list not in the linker section,  2nd last from the very bottom is title->Packages',  select that.

Now at the bottom area of the window is a->Build with runtime packages' checkbox -  uncheck it.

Comment from dodongoxp
Date: 03/23/2006 11:35PM PST


to make a standalone exe from a bcb 2006 project this is what you need to do :

go to:

Project -> Options -> Packages

and uncheck Build With Runtime Packages

and then go to :

Project -> Build Configurations

pick up from the drop down list Release Build

and then select your project down in the list and  click on Apply ensure that your project changes from Debug Build to Release Build

then go to Project -> Build All Projects

and thats all!!

in your project folder will appear a new folder called Release that contains your Stand Alone exe

hope it helps

David Segovia

vcl100.bpl - C++ mit Borland


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