qemu in der Praxis

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Ich nutze gerne WinXP und denke auch, dass ich mich recht gut auskenne. Kürzlich bin ich auf QEMU gestoßen. Die Seite kenne ich. Habe dann den Emulator installiert und kann ihn mit ReactOS auch ganz gut nutzen. Als Beispiele sind auch Startscripte für Linux bei.

Generell gilt im Script ungefähr diese Form:

qemu -L . -m 128 -hda ReactOS.hd -boot c
qemu -L . -m 128 -hda linux.img -soundhw all -localtime -M isapc

Was ich nicht schaffe ist, z.B. den Emulator zu starten und er soll nun eine eingelegte BootCD (z.B. Win98SE oder W2k oder ähnliches) anziehen und die Installation im Emulator starten.

Das Ergebnis würde ich mir dann wieder als Image abspeichern und mit ihm bei Gelegenheit weiterarbeiten. Ich habe auch die Liste aller Parameter in eine Textdatei umgeleitet und mich wohlwollend mit den Parametern auseinandergesetzt, verstehe es aber leider nicht.

QEMU PC emulator version 0.9.0, Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Fabrice Bellard
usage: qemu [options] [disk_image]

'disk_image' is a raw hard image image for IDE hard disk 0

Standard options:
-M machine   select emulated machine (-M ? for list)
-fda/-fdb file use->file' as floppy disk 0/1 image
-hda/-hdb file use->file' as IDE hard disk 0/1 image
-hdc/-hdd file use->file' as IDE hard disk 2/3 image
-cdrom file   use->file' as IDE cdrom image (cdrom is ide1 master)
-boot [a|c|d|n] boot on floppy (a), hard disk (c), CD-ROM (d), or network (n)
-snapshot    write to temporary files instead of disk image files
-no-quit    disable SDL window close capability
-no-fd-bootchk disable boot signature checking for floppy disks
-m megs     set virtual RAM size to megs MB [default=128]
-smp n     set the number of CPUs to->n' [default=1]
-nographic   disable graphical output and redirect serial I/Os to console
-audio-help   print list of audio drivers and their options
-soundhw c1,... enable audio support
        and only specified sound cards (comma separated list)
        use -soundhw ? to get the list of supported cards
        use -soundhw all to enable all of them
-localtime   set the real time clock to local time [default=utc]
-full-screen  start in full screen
-win2k-hack   use it when installing Windows 2000 to avoid a disk full bug
-usb      enable the USB driver (will be the default soon)
-usbdevice name add the host or guest USB device->name'

Network options:
-net nic[,vlan=n][,macaddr=addr][,model=type]
        create a new Network Interface Card and connect it to VLAN->n'
-net user[,vlan=n][,hostname=host]
        connect the user mode network stack to VLAN->n' and send
        hostname->host' to DHCP clients
-net tap[,vlan=n],ifname=name
        connect the host TAP network interface to VLAN->n'
-net socket[,vlan=n][,fd=h][,listen=[host]:port][,connect=host:port]
        connect the vlan->n' to another VLAN using a socket connection
-net socket[,vlan=n][,fd=h][,mcast=maddr:port]
        connect the vlan->n' to multicast maddr and port
-net none    use it alone to have zero network devices; if no -net option
        is provided, the default is->-net nic -net user'

-tftp prefix  allow tftp access to files starting with prefix [-net user]
-redir [tcp|udp]:host-port:[guest-host]:guest-port
        redirect TCP or UDP connections from host to guest [-net user]

Linux boot specific:
-kernel bzImage use->bzImage' as kernel image
-append cmdline use->cmdline' as kernel command line
-initrd file  use->file' as initial ram disk

Debug/Expert options:
-monitor dev  redirect the monitor to char device->dev'
-serial dev   redirect the serial port to char device->dev'
-parallel dev  redirect the parallel port to char device->dev'
-pidfile file  Write PID to->file'
-S       freeze CPU at startup (use->c' to start execution)
-s       wait gdb connection to port 1234
-p port     change gdb connection port
-d item1,...  output log to /tmp/qemu.log (use -d ? for a list of log items)
-hdachs c,h,s[,t] force hard disk 0 physical geometry and the optional BIOS
        translation (t=none or lba) (usually qemu can guess them)
-L path     set the directory for the BIOS, VGA BIOS and keymaps
-kernel-kqemu  enable KQEMU full virtualization (default is user mode only)
-no-kqemu    disable KQEMU kernel module usage
-std-vga    simulate a standard VGA card with VESA Bochs Extensions
        (default is CL-GD5446 PCI VGA)
-no-acpi    disable ACPI
-no-reboot   exit instead of rebooting
-loadvm file  start right away with a saved state (loadvm in monitor)
-vnc display  start a VNC server on display
-option-rom rom load a file, rom, into the option ROM space

During emulation, the following keys are useful:
ctrl-alt-f   toggle full screen
ctrl-alt-n   switch to virtual console->n'
ctrl-alt    toggle mouse and keyboard grab

When using -nographic, press->ctrl-a h' to get some help.

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qemu in der Praxis


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